- Vandvik, Vigdis (2024) Global change impacts on alpine biodiversity and ecosystems – or – the art of not playing shop in the intersection between science, education, and society. (Academic lecture)
- Maes, S.L.; Dietrich, J.; Midolo, G.; Schwieger, S.; Kummu, M.; Vandvik, Vigdis (2024) Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra (Academic article)
- Robinson, M.L.; Hahn, P.G.; Inouye, B.D.; Underwood, N.; Whitehead, S.R.; Abbott, K.C. (2023) Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory (Academic article)
- Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis (2023) Mitigation effects of grazing on climate change impacts in alpine grasslands (Lecture)
- Gaudard, Joseph (2023) A story of curves: calculating ecosystem gas fluxes (Lecture)
- Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis (2023) Carbon fluxes in alpine grasslands (Lecture)
- Roos, Ruben Erik; Asplund, Johan; Birkemoe, Tone; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Olsen, Siri Lie; Vassvik, Linn (2023) Three decades of environmental change studies at alpine Finse, Norway: responses across ecological scales (Academic lecture)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Klanderud, Kari; Telford, Richard James; Vandvik, Vigdis (2023) Can grazing mitigate global change impacts in alpine ecosystems (Academic lecture)
- Rixen, Christian; Høye, Toke Thomas; Macek, Petr; Aerts, Rien; Alatalo, Juha M.; Andeson, Jill T. (2022) Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems (Academic literature review)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Krüger, Linn Cecilie; Lee, Hanna; Goldberg, Deborah E. (2022) The role of plant functional group interactions in mediating climate change impacts on the carbon dynamics and biodiversity of alpine ecosystems (Database)
- Gaudard, Joseph (2022) CO2 fluxes in alpine grasslands in the context of climate change (Lecture)
- Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) Carbon fluxes response to warming in alpine grasslands (Poster)
- Manon, Denis; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (2022) Effect of nitrogen,temperature and grazing on above and
below-ground productivity of alpine ecosystem (Report)
- Sandsten, Helene; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) How three global change drivers affect the carbon dynamics of alpine grasslands (Masters thesis)
- Little, Emma; Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (2022) Effect of Climate Warming on Alpine Soil Decomposition in Western Norway
Using the Tea Bag Index and soil respiration along an altitudinal gradient (Masters thesis)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Klanderud, Kari; Telford, Richard James; Yang, Yan; Austrheim, Gunnar (2022) Can grazing mitigate global change impacts in alpine ecosystems? (Academic lecture)
- Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Töpper, Joachim Paul (2022) Could grazing be the answer to the climate change induced loss of carbon storage in alpine grasslands? (Academic lecture)
- Gaudard, Joseph; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) Effect of warming on carbon fluxes in alpine grasslands (Poster)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Telford, Richard James (2022) Standardized methods and distributed experiments to understand global change impacts on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Lecture)
- Roos, Ruben Erik; Asplund, Johan; Birkemoe, Tone; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Olsen, Siri Lie; Vassvik, Linn (2022) Three decades of environmental change studies at alpine Finse, Norway: climate trends and responses across ecological scales (Academic article)
- Lynn, Joshua Scott; Fridley, Jason D.; Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) More than what they eat: uncoupled biophysical constraints underlie geographic patterns of herbivory (Academic literature review)
- Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) The power of experimental macroecology in disentangling global change impacts on plants, vegetation, and ecosystems (featuring some teaching & learning) (Academic lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis (2022) The power of experimental macroecology in disentangling global change impacts on plants, vegetation, and ecosystems (featuring some teaching & learning) (Lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis (2021) The power of experimental macroecology in disentangling global change impacts on plants, vegetation, and ecosystems (Academic lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis (2021) Using an experimental macroecological approach to assess climate change impacts on plant populations and communities: experiences, insights, and ways forward (Academic lecture)
- Lembrechts, Jonas J.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Aalto, Juha; Ashcroft, Michael B.; De Frenne, Pieter; Kemppinen, Julia (2021) Global maps of soil temperature (Academic article)
- Yang, Yan; Rechsteiner, Aud Helen Halbritter (2021) Structure and function of alpine grassland under changing environment (Academic lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis (2021) The power of experimental macroecology in disentangling global change impacts on plants, vegetation, and ecosystems (Academic lecture)
- Zeng, Fang; Rechsteiner, Aud Helen Halbritter; Yang, Yan (2021) Response of Alpine Meadow in Western Sichuan to Shrub Invasion (Academic lecture)
- Rechsteiner, Aud Helen Halbritter (2021) Standardized methods and distributed experiments to understand global change impacts on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Academic lecture)
- Rechsteiner, Aud Helen Halbritter (2021) Can grazing mitigate global change impact on alpine ecosystems (Academic lecture)
- Ely, Kim S.; Rogers, Alistair; Agarwal, Deborah A.; Ainsworth, Elizabeth A; Albert, Loren P.; Ali, Ashehad Ashween (2021) A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata (Academic article)
- Gaudard, Joseph (2021) Décrypter: Cycle du carbone dans les écosystèmes froids (Popular scientific article)
- Zeng, Fang; Wang, Genxu; Zhang, Li; Yang, Kai; Tang, Chuanchuan; Zao, Xiaoxiang (2020) The altitudinal patterns of plant diversity and grazing intensity in subalpine-alpine meadow of western Sichuan, China (Academic article)
- Petrauskaite, Ieva; Sletvold, Nina; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (2020) The effects of livestock grazing on semi-natural grassland communities along an elevational gradient in Norway (Masters thesis)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Gaudard, Jospeh; Vandvik, Vigdis (2020) Data collection on biodiversity and carbon fluxes responses to warmer climate, nitrogen deposition and grazing – the first field season (Three-D project) (Academic lecture)
- Petrauskaite, Ieva; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Sletvold, Nina (2020) The effects of livestock grazing on semi-natural grassland communities along an elevational gradient in Norway (Masters thesis)
- De Boeck, Hans J.; Bloor, Juliette M. G.; Aerts, Rien; Bahn, Michael; Beier, Claus; Emmett, Bridget A. (2020) Understanding ecosystems of the future will require more than realistic climate change experiments – a response to Korell et al. (Academic article)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis (2020) Kan utmarksbeite bidra til økt biologisk mangfold og karbonlagring i framtida? (Popular scientific article)
- Lembrechts, Jonas J.; Aalto, Juha; Ashcroft, Michael B.; De Frenne, Pieter; Kopecký, Martin; Lenoir, Jonathan (2020) SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature (Academic article)
- Gallagher, Rachael V.; Falster, Daniel Stein; Maitner, Brian S.; Salguero-Gómez, Roberto; Vandvik, Vigdis; Pearse, William D. (2020) Publisher Correction: Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life (Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2020), 4, 3, (294-303), 10.1038/s41559-020-1109-6) (Errata)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (2019) THREE-D Startup meeting - Integrated assessment to aid mitigation of negative impacts by THREE global change Drivers on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem function (Academic lecture)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis (2019) THREE-D Startup Meeting China - Integrated assessment to aid mitigation of negative impacts by THREE global change Drivers on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem function (Academic lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Haugum, Siri Vatsø; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Telford, Richard (2019) Integrating experiments and gradient approaches to study climate impacts on ecosystems (Lecture)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; Vandvik, Vigdis (2019) THREE-D - Integrert vurdering for å redusere negative effekter av tre menneskelige påvirkninger på alpin biologisk mangfold og økosystem funksjon (Academic lecture)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen (2019) THREE-D - Integrated assessment to aid mitigation of negative impacts by THREE global change Drivers on alpine biodiversity and ecosystem function (Academic lecture)
- Althuizen, Inge; Haugum, Siri Vatsø; Velle, Liv Guri; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Lee, Hanna; Olsen, Siri Lie (2019) Carbon in coastal heathlands and semi-natural grasslands.
A LandPress, FunCaB and Three-D perspective (Academic lecture)
- Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; De Boeck, Hans J.; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth; Reinsch, Sabine; Robinson, David A.; Vicca, Sara (2019) The handbook for standardized field and laboratory
measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and
observational studies (ClimEx) (Academic article)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Goldberg, Deborah E; Haugum, Siri Vatsø; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Klanderud, Kari (2018) Ecosystem responses and feedbacks to climate change - lessons from terrestrial ecology? (Academic lecture)
- Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Goldberg, Deborah E; Haugum, Siri Vatsø; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Klanderud, Kari (2018) Using experimental macroecology to assess climate change impacts on plants (Academic lecture)