- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2025) Shed Not a Tear for Literature in the Age of AI (Short communication)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2025) AIwriting: Creative Practice as a Critical Method for Investigating Large Language Models (Academic lecture)
- Johnston, David Jhave (2025) FOR YOU: The Comfortable Alienation of AI (Museum exhibition)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) The politics of AI: What is responsible research on AI in today’s political situation? (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) Qualitiative methods for analysing generative AI: Experiences with machine vision and AI storytelling (Academic lecture)
- Wigers, Hermann; Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) GPT_stories: Scripts to generate and analyse stories for 252 nationalities using gpt-4o-mini (Software)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) Fra demokrati til algoritmokrati (Popular scientific article)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2025) Haunted Algorithms: Techno-Necromancy and Ghosts in the Machine (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2025) Creativity is a trading zone: Charting the everyday co-construction of algorithmic agency (Academic lecture)
- Sarkar, Debarun; Arora, Cheshta; de Seta, Gabriele (2025) data/work-labour/algos/folklore (Lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2025) On entitification: P-zombies, shoggoths, stochastic parrots and Waluigis (Academic lecture)
- Sarkar, Debarun (2025) Of Smart City and New Town (Academic lecture)
- Sarkar, Debarun (2025) On Smart City, New Town and the South (Academic lecture)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Rettberg, Jill Walker; Sjøvoll, Kazmina (2025) Er gaming virkelighetsflukt? (Popular scientific lecture)
- Pyke, Tegan (2025) Sims Family Sagas: Emergent Narrative Approaches to the 'Legacy Challenge' by Sims 2 Players (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine (2024) Let’s Build a City: The Glossary Project as Essential Work (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine; Snyder, Richard; Larsen, Deena; Skains, Lyle (2024) LAUNCH: Accessible Bits 1.0 (Academic lecture)
- Perez Y Perez, Rafael (2024) Computer models as tools for the reflection on ideas: a model for evaluating the thematic consistency of a narrative (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine; Ensslin, Astrid; Snyder, Richard (2024) Co-authoring Accessible Bits (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine; Pyke, Tegan Rhiannon; Tabbi, Joseph Paul; Robinson, Colin (2024) (Un)Linked Open Data: Documenting E-lit in Wikidata (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine; Fan, Lai-Tze; Weicker-O’Connor, Tatum; Yu, Amanda; Kim, Jinsol (2024) Collaborative Keynote: Crossing Commercial Barriers (Academic lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine (2024) The Embodied Reading Experience: A Call for Creative Digital Accessibility (Lecture)
- Rysjedal, Ida Martine Gard (2024) Masculinity: aiming to understand expressions of masculinity in gaming discourses. Presentation of PhD project at CDN Seminar: Futures of Digital Narrative Research (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Seeing the World Through AI Lenses (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Kunstig intelligens er mer enn teknologi: hvordan velge vei? (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) How Generative AI Endangers Cultural Narratives (Feature article)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) Popular culture in the digital age: Qualitative methods for the study of digital folklore (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) From ASCII greetings to synthetic livestreams: Three decades of Chinese digital folklore (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Maskinsyn: hvordan endrer algoritmer måten vi ser verden? (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; Keller, Drew Robert (2024) AI, Computational Creativity, and Media Production with Drew Keller (Interview Journal)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker; Chen, Angela (2024) What I learned from sharing my private self with an AI journal (Interview)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) Philosophical zombies, stochastic parrots, masked shoggoths: Making sense of LLM folklore (Lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) When is a field? (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) An algorithmic folklore: The mutual shaping of vernacular creativity and everyday automation (Academic lecture)
- Holi, Ella Maria (2024) From #bodypositive to #weightlossjourney – exploring weight loss narratives within the body positive community (Academic lecture)
- Kronman, Linda Maria Jessica; Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Performing Bias : Conceptions of Machine Vision Bias in Digital Art (Doctoral dissertation)
- Pyke, Tegan Rhiannon (2024) Digital Literature: An Essentially Contested Concept? (Academic lecture)
- Montfort, Nick (2024) Automatism for Digital Text Surrealists (Academic article)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Stories about artificial intelligence: bias, control and anxiety (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker; Gunderson, Marianne (2024) A soirée at Mr Babbage’s – a mini larp (Lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) Beyond hallucinations & dreams: Experimental approaches to generative AI models (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) An algorithmic folklore: Vernacular creativity in times of everyday automation (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Hvordan spille på lag med KI uten å gi opp menneskelig kreativitet? (Lecture)
- Montfort, Nicholas (2024) Foreword to Tactical Publishing: Using Senses, Software, and Archives in the 21st Century by Alessandro Ludovico (Foreword)
- Legierse, Tom (2024) Changing the Game: Understanding Masculinity and Rethinking Inclusivity in Gaming (Academic lecture)
- Legierse, Tom (2024) Exploring Masculine Being-in-the World: Proposing an Autoethnography of Kind Words Gameplay (Academic lecture)
- Montfort, Nicholas (2024) Cyber Ear / Cypher Ear, a System for Automatically Appreciating Off-the-Top Rap (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Krauth, Alinta Kiri (2024) When the Songbird Speaks: AI Interspecies Translation Interfaces (Academic article)
- Nelson, Walter Jason; Krauth, Alinta Kiri (2024) ‘Diffracted Hemispheres', Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - From shadows to beacons exhibition (Visual Arts)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Hedy Lamarr Chatbot (Art exhibition)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Reimagining History: AI-Generated Figures in Informal Education (Academic lecture)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Echoes of History? The Impact of AI-generated Historical Figures on Informal Educational (Academic lecture)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Echoes of History? The Impact of AI-Generated Historical Figures on Informal Education (Academic lecture)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) In Conversation with Hedy Lamarr. "Reanimating" Historical Figures with Artificial Intelligence (Academic lecture)
- Tang, Haoyuan (2024) "Rethinking LLMs in games" presentation (Academic lecture)
- Tang, Haoyuan (2024) AoIR 2024 Doctoral Colloquium (Academic lecture)
- Tang, Haoyuan (2024) Eludamos doctoral consortium CEEGS 2024 (Academic lecture)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Building the Nethersphere: Artificial Intelligence and the Reanimation of Historical Minds. Presentation of PhD Project for CDN Seminar: AI and Digital Media Aesthetics (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Algorithmic narrativity: Literary experiments that drive technology (Academic article)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2024) Histobots. Echoes of History or AI Storytime? (Academic lecture)
- Johnston, David Jhave (2024) Identity Upgrade (Internet exhibition)
- Johnston, David Jhave (2024) AI-Artist (Academic lecture)
- Johnston, David Jhave (2024) Difference Indifference (Short communication)
- Montfort, Nicholas; Bertram, Lillian-Yvonne (2024) Output: An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953–2023 (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Generative AI: from Machine Vision to AI Stories (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Å fortelle med KI: fra narratologi og statistikk til KI-genererte podcaster (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Workshop: AI-generated podcasts (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker; Bongo, Lars Ailo Aslaksen (2024) Dette mener KI er samisk (Interview)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; O'Kane, Eamon; Johnston, David Jhave; Saum-Pascual, Alex; Miller, Jill (2024) More Than Meets AI (Art exhibition)
- Nelson, Walter Jason (2024) Digital Writing Workshop and Lecture with Jason Nelson: International Hellenic University (Academic lecture)
- Nelson, Walter Jason (2024) ChatGPT & Co. as a literary phenomenon (Academic lecture)
- Nelson, Walter Jason (2024) Ultra-Large: Impossible worlds (Visual Arts)
- Krauth, Alinta Kiri; Nelson, Walter Jason (2024) Electronic Literature Organization Awards 2024 (Programme management)
- Jørgensen, Kristine; Rusch, Doris Carmen; Ensslin, Astrid; Fassone, Riccardo (2024) Transformative Games Across Platforms (Editorial)
- Nelson, Walter Jason; Ensslin, Astrid (2024) Co-creative multimodal authorship as procedural performance with DALL-E (Chapter)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; Klink, Flourish (2024) Fanfiction as a Form of Digital Narrativity with Flourish Klink (Interview Journal)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; Fan, Lai-Tze (2024) Gendered AI and Editorial Labour in Digital Culture with Lai-Tze Fan (Interview Journal)
- Arellano, Robert; Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Hypertext as Technology and Literature (Interview Journal)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert; Montfort, Nick (2024) Computational Narrative Systems and Platform Studies with Nick Montfort (Interview Journal)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Small forms within larger forms of digital narrative (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Cyborg Authorship: Writing with AI (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) The Center for Digital Narrative and recent research in AI (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) AIwriting: Creative Practice as a Critical Method for Investigating Large Language Models (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Fin du Monde: AI Text-To-Image Writing and the Digital Unconscious (Popular scientific article)
- Karaboga, Murat; Frei, Nula; Puppis, Manuel; Vogler, Daniel; Raemy, Patrick; Ebbers, Frank (2024) Deepfakes und manipulierte Realitäten: Technologiefolgenabschätzung und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Schweiz (Report)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) Global automated futures: Promissory narratives in the Chinese AI industry (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de; Shchetvina, Anya (2024) Imagining machine vision: four visual registers from the Chinese AI industry (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) Philosophical zombies, stochastic parrots, masked shoggoths: New ethnographic interlocutors? (Academic lecture)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) From ASCII lanterns to synthetic livestreams: Three decades of Chinese digital folklore (Academic article)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Algorithmic creativity (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Algorithmic folklore: What is it, and how to study it (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Just add more layers: Metaphors of depth in machine learning (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Algorithmic folklore [interview with Gabriele de Seta] (Interview)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Reimagining AI - Algorithmic Folklore: How We Imagine AI (Interview)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Fake foreigners: The geopolitics of synthetic media on Chinese short video platforms (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Algorithmic, augmented, automated: Ethnography after the digital (Lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2024) Ball-ache, cow pussy, and dick hair: Vulgarity in Chinese internet language (Popular scientific article)
- Seta, Gabriele de (2024) 'Shaking the black box': Creative research approaches to generative models (Lecture)
- Ackermans, Hannah Maria Leontine (2024) [review] Pathfinders: Documenting the Experience of Early Digital Literature (Book review)
- Nelson, Walter Jason; Krauth, Alinta Kiri (2024) ‘Versos Codificados: La poesia creada con Inteligencia Artificial’ (Visual Arts)