- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2025) Pounding lobsters: The timescapes of lively storage (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Ayumu, Ernest Teye; Ablo, Austin Dziwornu; Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2025) Meeting Ghana’s housing needs: ‘(un)affordable’ public housing in a rapidly urbanising context (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Corrales-Øverlid, Ann Cathrin (2024) “Everyone knows Norway is best”: Struggles Against Precarious and Exploitative Work Relations in the Norwegian Labor Market (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad; Corrales-Øverlid, Ann Cathrin (2024) The Cruel Optimism of the Welfare State (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Tallis, Amanda Miriam (2024) “Why Does Nav Find Internships That Do Not Lead to Employment?” Precarious Work Experiences Among Migrant Women in Norway (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Bratrud, Tom (2024) Fijians in Transnational Pentecostal Networks (Anmeldelse)
- Larsen, Håkon (2024) Deep-Sea Mining: The Shape-Shifting Imaginaries at the New Extractivist Frontier (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Kapferer, Bruce; Kapferer, Roland (2024) Extremism as Immanence and Process: The Trump Transmutation (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Kapferer, Bruce (2024) Introduction. Liminality: Structure/Anti-structure and Egalitarian Dynamics (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Kapferer, Bruce; Gold, Marina (2024) Egalitarian Dynamics. Liminality, and Victor Turner’s Contribution to the Understanding of Socio-historical Process (Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie)
- Maraire, Wesley (2024) The Pursuit of an Appropriate Dispute Resolution Philosophy for Africa (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Bringa, Tone (2024) Biti Musliman na Bosanski Način. (Vitenskapelig monografi)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants (Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Trap-cam of care: Conservation and the digital ecology of online lobster entrapment (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Styve, Maria Dyveke; Zongo, Wendinkonté Sylvie; Cabona, Federico alberto (2024) THE LAW APPLICABLE TO ARBITRATION (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Kalb, Donatus Pius; Steur, Luisa (2024) Forty years of Europe and the people without history (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Concurrent temporalities: Virtualizing work in post- and post-post-colonial urban Africa”. Paper presented at the workshop “A Society without work? AI and its transformation of society” organized Knut Rio, Annelin Eriksen, Christine Jacobsen and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen by the Egalitarian Futures Research Group, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen. Held at Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris (CUNP), 9-11 December 2024. (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge; Di Trani, Antonella; Nielsen, Morten (2024) Rencontrer la pensée urbaine pour repenser la ville (Populærvitenskapelig artikkel)
- Larsen, Håkon (2024) Aspirations for the Abyss: The endurance of capital in social formations of deep-sea mining (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Kalb, Donatus Pius (2024) Tilly Reversed? Another Cycle of Labor and Socialism Is Possible (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) "Akademisk frokost med Bjørn Enge Bertelsen". Samtale med Siri Gloppen, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen. 05.12.24. (Populærvitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) N-POC, a Norway-Pacific Partnership for the Ocean-Climate Nexus: Introduction and Tour-de-Table (Faglig foredrag)
- Ladstein, Miriam Ylvasdatter (2024) Sivilsamfunn og aktivisme i Stillehavsstatenes hav- og klimadiplomati (Faglig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) Regionale trender i politikk og diplomati blant Stillehavets øystater (Faglig foredrag)
- Presterudstuen, Geir Henning (2024) Kina og Stillehavets øystater i geopolitisk sammenheng (Faglig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Urbanism from above and below: Youth, politics and enclaving in Maputo” (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Urbanism from above and below: Youth, politics and enclaving in Maputo”. (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Rethinking Planetary Research – with Achille Mbembe” (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Diversity as a cloak: The institutional politics of approaching racism in Norwegian HEIs”. Paper presented at workshop led by prof. Fidelia Ibekwe (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Speculation against detachment and futureless-ness. Alternatives to enclaving in Maputo”. Paper presented at the “Ataya - HUMA interdisciplinary seminar series”. (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge; Sumich, Jason (2024) “Enclaving as failure”. Paper co-presented with Jason Sumich Held at King Fahd Palace Hotel, Dakar, Senegal and organized by Bjørn Enge Bertelsen and Jason Sumich in collaboration with Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. 02.-05. September 2024. (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Nourishing Life. Foodways and Humanity in an African Town” by Arianna Huhn (book review) (Anmeldelse)
- Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) “Global Revolutionary Aesthetics and Politics after ‘68” edited by Martin Munro, William J. Cloonan, Barry J. Faulk, and Christian P. Weber (Anmeldelse)
- Buier, Natalia (2024) Naming and dividing: the production of residual labour in the region of Doñana (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Lavdas, Michalis; Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad (2024) “It was really helpful for me, and at the same time it was really tough”: a qualitative study among Afghan peer refugee helpers in Greece (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Disassembling whale mortalities: The spectral presence and afterlives of animal deaths (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Gentilucci, Marta; Stoica, Georgeta (2024) ‘Does the Environment Only Exist Here?’ Hyper-Environmentalism and Eco-Infantilisation on Mayotte Island (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Maraire, Wesley (2024) Systemic Barriers and Unfairness: Access to Justice in Zimbabwe and Beyond (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Berta, Ola Gunhildrud (2024) Passport Island: The Market for EU Citizenship in Cyprus by Theodoros Rakopoulos (Anmeldelse)
- Berta, Ola Gunhildrud; Sæterstad, Torill; Tollnes, Inger Johanne Riis; Bøe, Marit (2024) Alle må med: Styreres erfaringer med å etablere og utvikle profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i barnehagen (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Klimasauskaite, Aiste; Drivdal, Laura ; Larsen, Håkon; Nedelciu, Claudiu Eduard (2024) Could deep-sea mining sustain sustainability? The international seabed authority and the UN 2030 agenda (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2024) Automation at sea; an anthropological perspective (Populærvitenskapelig artikkel)
- Betti, Marianna; Huke, Anders (2024) Marianna har segla i fleire månadar for å forska på samspelet mellom mennesker og maskiner (Intervju)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Gro Vindal (2024) Labor at sea relocated and represented? Digitalization in Norwegian maritime industries (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Betti, Marianna; Bazzano, Flavia (2024) The Journey of Gas Podcast (Lydmateriale)
- Betti, Marianna (2024) Maturing Machines: Technological Development and Situated Practices of Socialization Onboard Liquified Natural Gas (lng) Carriers (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal; Betti, Marianna (2024) Automation and Extraction at New Technological Frontiers: shifting (in)visibilities. (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal; Betti, Marianna (2024) Automated Technologies at the Crossroads of Sea and Land (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Betti, Marianna (2024) Review of "Negative Ecologies: Fossil fuels and the discovery of the environment" by David Bond (Anmeldelse)
- Betti, Marianna (2024) Black hands, blue energy: the LNG transport and its controversies. (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Hvis hummeren forsvinner, er vi i trøbbel: Om klimaendringenes samfunnsmessige konsekvenser (Populærvitenskapelig foredrag)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) Chrono-biopolitics on the shoreline – West African sardinellas fisheries management in Senegal (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) Tempestuous temporalities. The Joola’s last voyage and its memorialization in Fatou Diome’s Les Veilleurs de Sangomar (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) ‘L’océan lunatique’: temporal alignments and mobilities in the purse seine fishery off the Petite Côte in Senegal (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) Fish time. More-than-human subjectivities in the making of a piscine commodity in Senegal (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) Tempestuous temporalities. The Joola’s last voyage and its memorialization in Fatou Diome’s Les Veilleurs de Sangomar (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hale, Sadie E. (2024) EU First Mile Project: ‘By Train and Bus to the North’ (Brosjyre)
- Hale, Sadie Elizabeth; Henriksen, Sidsel Marie; Mogseth, Martin Eggen; Nilsen, Fartein Hauan (2024) Technoscience and the limits of life, w/Martin Eggen Mogseth and Fartein Hauan Nilsen (Intervju tidsskrift)
- Hale, Sadie E. (2024) Human-whale relations. (Populærvitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hale, Sadie E. (2024) “An anthropologist looking at people looking at whales.” Pint of Science Norway. (Faglig foredrag)
- Hale, Sadie Elizabeth (2024) “Parlez-vous orque?” (“Do you speak orca?”) Mise au Point, RTS Switzerland, 03 March 2024. Short interview about the tourists that come to see whale watching and the impact of tourism on the whales (from 07:10) (Dokumentar)
- Hale, Sadie Elizabeth (2024) On Sharks Unseen: Oceanic Non-Encounters and Multispecies Ethnography (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Solberg, Mads; Karlsen, Anniken Susanne Thoresen (2024) Advanced Interactive Technologies for Group Functional Training in Eldercare: Design and Development (Doktorgradsavhandling)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) The Heartbeat of the Ocean: Speech and Vote of Thanks to H.E. Merete F. Brattested on behalf of Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme (Faglig foredrag)
- Bird, Cliff; Hviding, Edvard (2024) Indigenous and Traditional Narratives of Climate, Weather and Environment in Marovo Lagoon in Solomon Islands. (Rapport)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) "United Nations Warns Pacific Islands Face Triple Threat": Interviewed (live) by BBC News Anchor Matthew Amroliwala (VerifiedLive Newscast) (Intervju)
- Karlsen, Marry-Anne (2024) Protection policies and the politics of the future (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard; Drønen, Sverre Ole (2024) Communicating science diplomacy: How do you communicate on the science-policy nexus in high-level diplomatic settings? (Faglig foredrag)
- Salem, Tomas; Hale, Sadie Elizabeth (2024) Masculinity, far-right ideology & militarised policing in Rio de Janeiro w/Tomas Salem (Intervju tidsskrift)
- Salem, Tomas; Diphoorn, Tessa (2024) Sensing (in)security: new materialisms and the politics of security (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) Partnership Across the Ocean: N-POC Coordinator's Welcome Speech to the Second Cohort of PhD Candidates in the Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship programme (Faglig foredrag)
- Birkvad, Simon Roland (2024) Nordmenn på lånt tid (Kronikk)
- Pille-Schneider, Louis-Emmanuel (2024) Placing (the absences of) West African sardinellas in Senegal on the animal geographies map (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Hviding, Edvard; Bettencourt, Joao P.H.; Drønen, Sverre Ole (2024) Ocean Futures 2023: Science and Diplomacy for Ocean Governance – Our Common Ocean. Policy Brief #1 (Briefs)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) Pilot-fish Rock, or, How to Live Large on a Small Island in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Brekke, Maren Rygg; Knudsen, Ståle (2024) Navigating Environmental Schemes and Policies: An ethnographic study of how farmers in Devon, England experience and adapt to agricultural rules and restrictions (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Solis, Aleksandra; Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Transnasjonale familier: Omsorg og intimitet på fysisk avstand mellom mor og barn blant filippinske familier (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Dale, Rosalind Dyveke; Knudsen, Ståle (2024) Manoeuvring Restrictions and Social Status in the Old City Market of Al Khalil (Hebron) (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Hansen, Camilla Søreide; Kalb, Donatus Pius (2024) Solidarity and Resistance in the Platform Economy in France: Refugee Gig Workers and Mobilization (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Hettervik, Marte; Knudsen, Ståle (2024) Solidarity, Motivation and Community: An ethnographic study about environmental activists in the climate justice movement in Montreal Canada (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Søllesvik, Amalie Rausand; Presterudstuen, Geir Henning (2024) ‘‘It’s just for fun’’
Unge voksnes rekreasjonsrus i Dublin (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Obrestad, Rebekka; Eriksen, Annelin (2024) When Aging Becomes Optional: An Ethnographic Study of Anti-Aging Practices in London (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Opsahl-Engen, Mathias; Eriksen, Annelin (2024) Occupy Till He Comes –
A Patriot Spirit
An Ethnographic Study of Christian Nationalism, Culture War and the End Time Church (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Nordhuus, Dina; Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) People as infrastructure
An ethnographic study of urban inequality in the neighborhoods of Dakar (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Etminan, Sayna; Broch-Due, Vigdis (2024) Sølvberget som et moderne arkitektonisk kompleks: En antropologisk studie av materielle objekter og dets føringer for sosialt liv (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Edvardsen, Melania Iselinn; Ødegaard, Cecilie Vindal (2024) Økolandsbyen i bærekraftsdalen: En etnografisk studie av fellesskap og sted i Hurdal økolandsby og Hurdal kommune (Mastergradsoppgave)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) The Gulf of Maine as an 'ecology of mobilities': Infrastructures, contestations, speculations and affects in Maine's plural marine mobilities (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Tales from a stuffed lobster: Keeping life alive in Maine's spectral ecologies (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Capturing lobsters: On the relational modalities of fishing in the Gulf of Maine, US (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) From pigs to lobsters: Multispecies temporalities across worlds (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Sidumo, Egna; Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2024) Between Resilience and Radicalisation: Reassessing the Trajectory of Internally Displaced Populations in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Hugøy, Isabelle Hammerstad (2024) Unearthing care: Rooting alternative agricultural practices in Norway and Costa Rica (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Henriksen, Sidsel Marie (2024) ‘Psychedelics are no magic pill’: the narrative and embodied dimensions of psychedelic integration in Denmark (Vitenskapelig artikkel)
- Salem, Tomas (2024) Policing the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro: Cosmologies of War and the Far-Right (Vitenskapelig monografi)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) The N-POC Programme: Recruitment, Cohort Development, and Upcoming PhD Courses in Suva, Bergen and New York (Faglig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) The Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship programme, a major university partnership between Norway and the Pacific Islands region (Faglig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) Science and Diplomacy for Ocean Governance: Our Common Ocean. (Introduction by Conference Moderator) (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Hviding, Edvard (2024) Naturalists and Naval Officers Among the Headhunters: Early Imperial Explorations in the Natures of New Georgia (Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel)
- Remme, Jon Henrik Ziegler (2024) Reviving a Resource: Fishing for Life in Maine's Lobster Industry (Vitenskapelig foredrag)
- Anderson, Astrid; Berta, Ola Gunhildrud; Presterudstuen, Geir Henning (2024) Oseanias historie (Populærvitenskapelig artikkel)