- Rossello, Maria; Adell, Teresa; Pascual Carreras, Eudald (2025) Cell Death Regulation by Smed-foxO in the Planarian Schmidtea mediterranea (Academic article)
- Claereboudt, Emily Jeanne S; Dandamudi, Mowgli; Longueville, Lea Francine J; Harb, Hassan Y.; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2025) Flipped binding modes for the same agonist in closely related neuropeptide-gated ion channels (Academic article)
- Lobentanzer, Sebastian; Feng, Shaohong; Bruderer, Noah; Maier, Andreas; Song, Yuyao; Nielsen-Tehranchian, Yasmin (2025) A platform for the biomedical application of large language models (Letter to the editor)
- Parveen, Sajida; Khan, Kashif ur Rehman; Iqbal, Shahid Muhammad; Aati, Hanan Y.; Al-taweel, Areej M.; Hussain, Liaqat (2024) Exploration of the anti-inflammatory potential of Polygonum bistorta L.: protection against LPS-induced acute lung injury in rats via NF-ĸβ pathway inhibition (Academic article)
- Seybold, Anna Cosima; Kumar, Suman; Tumu, Sharat Chandra; Hausen, Harald (2024) Neurons with larval synaptic targets pioneer the later nervous system in the annelid Malacoceros fuliginosus (Academic article)
- Glover, Joel Clinton; Tolstenkov, Oleg; Mikhaleva, Yana (2024) Calcium signaling in tunicate development (Academic literature review)
- Longueville, Lea Francine J; Tronstad, Karl Johan; Teigen, Knut; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2024) Characterization of mutations detected in a family of severe cases of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Masters thesis)
- Yatsuk, Aleksandra; Nartshuk, Emilia; Bushuev, Andrey; Kerimov, Anvar; Văn Linh, Nguyễn; Tolstenkov, Oleg (2024) Description of a new species of Icosta Speiser, 1905 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from Southern Vietnam with the updated key to the subgenus Icosta (Academic article)
- Soto Angel, Joan-Josep; Burkhardt, Pawel (2024) Reverse development in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Academic article)
- Miramón-Puértolas, Paula ; Pascual-Carreras, Eudald; Steinmetz, Patrick (2024) A population of Vasa2 and Piwi1 expressing cells generates germ cells and neurons in a sea anemone (Academic article)
- Vellutini, Bruno Cossermelli; Martin Duran, Jose Maria; Børve, Aina; Hejnol, Andreas (2024) Combinatorial Wnt signaling landscape during brachiopod anteroposterior patterning (Academic article)
- Kollmar, Martin; Welz, Tobias; Ravi, Aishwarya; Kaufmann, Thomas; Alzahofi, Noura; Hatje, Klas (2024) Actomyosin organelle functions of SPIRE actin nucleators precede animal evolution (Academic article)
- Hake, K.H.; West, P.T.; McDonald, K.; Laundon, D.; Reyes-Rivera, J.; Garcia De Las Bayonas, De (2024) A large colonial choanoflagellate from Mono Lake harbors live bacteria (Academic article)
- Eilertsen, Mariann; Norland, Sissel; Dolan, David William Peter; Karlsen, Rita; Gomes, Ana S.; Bolton, Charlotte M. (2024) Onset of circadian rhythmicity in the brain of Atlantic salmon is linked to exogenous feeding (Poster)
- Eilertsen, Mariann; Norland, Sissel; Dolan, David William Peter; Karlsen, Rita; Gomes, Ana S.; Bolton, Charlotte M. (2024) Onset of circadian rhythmicity in the brain of Atlantic salmon is linked to exogenous feeding (Academic lecture)
- Garschall, Kathrin; Pascual Carreras, Eudald; Pascual, Belen Garcia; Filimonova, Daria; Guse, Annika; Johnston, Iain George (2024) The cellular basis of feeding-dependent body size plasticity in sea anemones (Academic article)
- Liang, Zonglai; Dondorp, Daniel; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios (2024) The ion channel Anoctamin 10/TMEM16K coordinates organ morphogenesis across scales in the urochordate notochord (Academic article)
- Lagman, David Arthur Erik; Leon Florian, Luis Anthony; Cieminska, Nadia; Deng, Wei; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios; Henriet, Simon Raymond (2024) Pax3/7 gene function in Oikopleura dioica supports a neuroepithelial-like origin for its house-making Fol territory (Academic article)
- Schultze, Sabrina; Langva, Hilde Kleppe; Wei, Jing; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios; Rundberget, Thomas; Hessen, Dag Olav (2024) Do DOM quality and origin affect the uptake and accumulation of a lipid-soluble contaminant in a filter feeding ascidian species (Ciona) that can target small particle size classes? (Academic article)
- Norland, Sissel; Tolstenkov, Oleg; Cavazos-Conteras, Ingrid; Ebida, Tarek; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios (2024) Exploring fine-scale behavioral changes in response to stimuli in tunicates (Academic lecture)
- Kraus, Johanna; Busengdal, Henriette; Kraus, Yulia; Hausen, Harald; Rentzsch, Fabian (2024) Doublecortin-like kinase is required for cnidocyte development in Nematostella vectensis (Academic article)
- Norland, Sissel; Cavazos-Conteras, Ingrid; Ebida, Tarek; Tolstenkov, Oleg; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios (2024) Impact of noise pollution on the behavior of tunicates (Lecture)
- Norland, Sissel; Eilertsen, Mariann; Gomes, Ana S.; Dolan, David William Peter; Karlsen, Rita; Rønnestad, Ivar (2024) Development of appetite and rhythmicity in Atlantic salmon during the transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding (Poster)
- Seljeset, Sandra; Sintsova, Oksana Vladimirovna; Wang, Yuhong; Harb, Hassan Y.; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2024) Constitutive activity of ionotropic glutamate receptors via hydrophobic substitutions in the ligand-binding domain (Academic article)
- Soto Angel, Joan-Josep; Nordmann, Eva-Lena; Sturm, Daniela; Sachkova, Mariia; Pang, Kevin Scott; Burkhardt, Pawel (2024) Stable Laboratory Culture System for the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Academic article)
- Plessy, Charles; Mansfield, Michael J.; Bliznina, Aleksandra; Masunaga, Aki; West, Charlotte; Tan, Yongkai (2024) Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species (Academic article)
- Ohta, Naoyuki; Christiaen, Lionel (2024) Cellular remodeling and JAK inhibition promote zygotic gene expression in the Ciona germline (Academic article)
- Harvey, Thomas Nelson; Gillard, Gareth Benjamin; Røsæg, Line Lieblein; Grammes, Fabian; Monsen, Øystein; Vik, Jon Olav (2024) The genome regulatory landscape of Atlantic salmon liver through smoltification (Academic article)
- Tourniere, Oceane Barbara; Busengdal, Henriette; Gahan, James Michael; Rentzsch, Fabian (2024) Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization as a Tool for Studying the Specification and Differentiation of Cell Types in Nematostella vectensis (Academic article)
- Benvenuto, Giovanna; Leone, Serena; Astoricchio, Emanuele; Bormke, Sophia; Jasek, Sanja; D'Aniello, Enrico (2024) Evolution of the ribbon-like organization of the Golgi apparatus in animal cells (Academic article)
- Fritzsch, Bernd; Glover, Joel Clinton (2024) Gene networks and the evolution of olfactory organs, eyes, hair cells and motoneurons: a view encompassing lancelets, tunicates and vertebrates (Academic literature review)
- Høyer, Jørgen; Kolar, Kushal; Athira, Athira; van den Burgh, Meike; Dondorp, Daniel; Liang, Zonglai (2024) Polymodal sensory perception drives settlement and metamorphosis of Ciona larvae (Academic article)
- Kalienkova, Valeriia; Dandamudi, Mowgli; Paulino, Cristina; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2024) Structural basis for excitatory neuropeptide signaling (Academic article)
- Tjärnberg, Andreas; Beheler-Amass, Maggie; Jackson, Christopher A.; Christiaen, Lionel; Gresham, David; Bonneau, Richard (2024) Structure-primed embedding on the transcription factor manifold enables transparent model architectures for gene regulatory network and latent activity inference (Academic article)
- Rosano, Giulio; Barzasi, Allan; Lynagh, Timothy (2024) Loss of activation by GABA in vertebrate delta ionotropic glutamate receptors (Academic article)
- Søvik, Espen Joon; Ree, Rasmus; Puntervoll, Pål; Garcia-Moyano, Antonio (2023) Investigating the Versatility of a Flavin-containing Monooxygenase Engineered Towards Trimethylamine Conversion in Fish Protein Hydrolysate (Masters thesis)
- Steinmetz, Patrick (2023) Development: Sea anemone segments polarise (Feature article)
- Feng, Haiyang; Thompson, Eric Malcolm (2023) Functional specialization of Aurora kinase homologs during oogenic meiosis in the tunicate Oikopleura dioica (Academic article)
- Norland, Sissel; Gomes, Ana S.; Rønnestad, Ivar; Helvik, Jon Vidar; Eilertsen, Mariann (2023) Effekt av lys på appetittkontroll under startfôring hos Atlantisk laks (Academic lecture)
- Tolstenkov, Oleg; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios; Gorbushin, Alexander (2023) Neuronal gene expression in two generations of the marine parasitic worm, Cryptocotyle lingua (Academic article)
- Taucher, Jan; Lechtenbörger, Anna Katharina; Bouquet, Jean-Marie; Spisla, Carsten; Boxhammer, Tim; Minutolo, Fabrizio (2023) The appendicularian Oikopleura dioica can enhance carbon export in a high CO2 ocean (Academic article)
- Svalastoga, Pernille; Kaci, Alba; Molnes, Janne; Solheim, Marie Holm; Johansson, Bente Berg; Krogvold, Lars (2023) Characterisation of HNF1A variants in paediatric diabetes in Norway using functional and clinical investigations to unmask phenotype and monogenic diabetes (Academic article)
- Al-jibury, Ediem; King, James W. D.; Guo, Ya; Lenhard, Boris; Fisher, Amanda G.; Merkenschlager, Matthias (2023) A deep learning method for replicate-based analysis of chromosome conformation contacts using Siamese neural networks (Academic article)
- Tolstenkov, Oleg; Mikhaleva, Yana; Glover, Joel Clinton (2023) A miniaturized nigrostriatal-like circuit regulating locomotor performance in a protochordate (Academic article)
- Lemaitre, Quentin Indiana Bruno; Bartsch, Natascha; Kouzel, Ivan; Busengdal, Henriette; Richards, Gemma Sian; Steinmetz, Patrick (2023) NvPrdm14d-expressing neural progenitor cells contribute to non-ectodermal neurogenesis in Nematostella vectensis (Academic article)
- Schultze, Sabrina; Langva, Hilde K.; Knudtzon, Nina Cathrine; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Brooks, Steven (2023) Increases in Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter Will Not Increase Feeding Related Uptake of a common Lipid Soluble Contaminant In coastal Filter Feeders (Poster)
- Schultze, Sabrina; Langva, Hilde K.; Knudtzon, Nina Cathrine; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Brooks, Steven (2023) Terrestrial dissolved organic matter is not an efficent vector for lipohilic contaminants in filter feeders (Poster)
- Gahan, James Michael; Cartwright, Paulyn; Nicotra, Matthew L.; Schnitzler, Christine E.; Steinmetz, Patrick; Juliano, Celina E. (2023) Cnidofest 2022: hot topics in cnidarian research (Academic literature review)
- Beyer, Jonny; Song, You; Lillicrap, Adam David; Rodriguez Satizabal, Simon Andres; Chatzigeorgiou, Marios (2023) Ciona spp. and ascidians as bioindicator organisms for evaluating effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A discussion paper (Academic literature review)
- Cole, Alison G.; Jahnel, Stefan M.; Kaul, Sabrina; Steger, Julia; Hagauer, Julia; Denner, Andreas (2023) Muscle cell-type diversification is driven by bHLH transcription factor expansion and extensive effector gene duplications (Academic article)
- Pislyagin, Evgeny A.; Menchinskaya, Ekaterina S.; Gladkikh, Irina N.; Kvetkina, Aleksandra N.; Sintsova, Oksana Vladimirovna; Popkova, Darya V. (2023) Recombinant Analogs of Sea Anemone Kunitz-Type Peptides Influence P2X7 Receptor Activity in Neuro-2a Cells (Academic article)
- Burkhardt, Pawel; Colgren, Jeffrey John; Medhus, Astrid; Digel, Leonid; Naumann, Benjamin; Soto Angel, Joan-Josep (2023) Syncytial nerve net in a ctenophore adds insights on the evolution of nervous systems (Academic article)
- Vitrinel, Burcu; Vogel, Christine; Christiaen, Lionel (2023) Ring Finger 149-Related Is an FGF/MAPK-Independent Regulator of Pharyngeal Muscle Fate Specification (Academic article)
- Dandamudi, Mowgli; Hausen, Harald; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2023) FMRFamide-gated sodium channel diversity relationship to other DEG/ENaC channels, and the molecular basis for neuropeptide activity (Abstract)
- Rosano, Giulio (2023) Molecular basis for inactivity of mammalian delta iGluRs (Short communication)
- Law, Jack Owen; Jones, Carl Matthew; Stevenson, Thomas; Williamson, Thomas A.; Turner, Matthew S.; Kusumaatmaja, Halim (2023) A bending rigidity parameter for stress granule condensates (Academic article)
- Orus Alcalde, Andrea; Børve, Aina; Hejnol, Andreas (2023) The localization of Toll and Imd pathway and complement system components and their response to Vibrio infection in the nemertean Lineus ruber (Academic article)
- Marti Solans, Josep; Børve, Aina; Bump, Paul; Hejnol, Andreas; Lynagh, Timothy Peter (2023) Peripheral and central employment of acid-sensing ion channels during early bilaterian evolution (Academic article)
- Lebouvier, Marion; Garm, Anders Lydik (2014) Reproduction in cubozoans : effect of environmental parameters on the post-larval development of Tripedalia cystophora , and gonad morphology in Copula sivickisi (Cubozoa, Carybdeida, Tripedaliidae) (Masters thesis)