- Meland, Ingmar; Leirfall, Anita (2025) Intelligens (Popular scientific lecture)
- Koch, Sören; Gamlund, Espen (2025) Panelsamtale om aktiv dødshjelp (Popular scientific lecture)
- Ramharter, Esther; Pichler, Alois; Stadler, Friedrich (2025) 100 Years of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - 70 Years after Wittgenstein's Death: Proceedings of the 44th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Pichler, Alois (2025) For If There Is No Resurrection of the Dead, Then Christ Has Not Been Raised Either": Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Status of Christian Belief Statements (Academic article)
- Eilertsen, Kenneth André (2025) Permissivism, Epistemic Utility, and Arbitrariness (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Hvordan kan husdyrene få det bedre? Her er ekspertenes 12 løsninger (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Faglig smakebit fra filosofi (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Skumma kultur med Espen Gamlund (Programme participation)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Dyr lider, mener forskere. Men er det så farlig når de bare lever i en måned? (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Dyrevelferden i Norge er ikke god (Feature article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Etiske perspektiver på bioteknologi og kunstig intelligens (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Slik svarer hun laksebransjen (Interview)
- Zahle, Julie (2025) Process Tracing with Qualitative Data (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Øgaard, Tore Fjetland (2025) Edwin Mares. The Logic of Entailment and its History. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2024, xv + 264 pp. (Academic literature review)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Kritisk til dyrevelferdsmeldingen: - Næringsinteressene settes først (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Dyr i Norge hadde hatt det bedre uten den nye dyrevernsmeldingen, ifølge forsker (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2025) Kunsten å moralisere (Popular scientific lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Tønnessen, Morten; Bøe, Knut Egil (2025) Støtter pensjonspengene våre dårlig dyrevelferd? (Feature article)
- Lillebø, Jonas Gamborg; Cuzzani, Paola Maria de (2024) Per un’“archeologia filosofica” della secolarizzazione. Agostino, Gioacchino da Fiore e i paradigmi cristiani del pensiero secolare (Academic article)
- Songe-Møller, Vigdis (2024) Chora: uberørt jomfru og mor. Fra Platons Timaios til en bysantinsk klosterkirke (Academic article)
- Freiin von Villiez, Carola ; Esfeld, Michael; Schönecker, Dieter (2024) Postkolonialismus an Universitäten. Decolonising Philosophy: Ein Angriff auf die Wissenschaftsfreiheit (Interview)
- Freiin von Villiez, Carola ; Campos Sadelli, Diogo (2024) Veranstaltung „300 Jahre Immanuel Kant – WebTalk Folge 4: „Rechts- und politische Philosophie“ (Interview)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024) Chôra and the image of the winnowing basket in the Timaeus (Academic lecture)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024) Touch, Fire and the World: Irigaray and Heraclitus in an Ecofeminist Setting (Academic lecture)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024) Vår skjebnesvangre skjebne (Academic article)
- Cahill, Kevin Michael (2024) Avoiding "Tack-on" Theories of Culture (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Kolflaath, Eivind (2024) Kronologier (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Lyse, Gunn Inger; Haugereid, Petter; Thunes, Martha (2024) The syntax of usage examples in a Norwegian standard dictionary (Academic lecture)
- Cahill, Kevin Michael (2024) Wittgenstein on Practice: Back to the Rough Ground (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Tønnessen, Morten; Gamlund, Espen; Ness, Eli Berge; Seim, Rudi Ripman (2024) Oljefondets investeringer i internasjonal matproduksjon. Uttalelse fra Rådet for dyreetikk, oktober 2024 (Report)
- Zahle, Julie (2024) Bias and Debiasing Strategies in Qualitative Data Collection (Academic article)
- Hansteen, Hans Marius (2024) A Brief Note from the Editors (Editorial)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Regifting - innafor eller uglesett? (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Er det greit å gi en gave videre? (Programme participation)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Lykke er ikke en følelse – det er en innsats (Interview Journal)
- Baumgartner, Michael Clemens; Mathias, Ambühl; Christoph, Falk (2024) causalHyperGraph: Drawing Causal Hypergraphs (Software)
- Hansteen, Hans Marius (2024) Biletheimen (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Fossheim, Hallvard (2024) A Stoic and an Artistic Perspective on Worth in Nature (Academic lecture)
- Fossheim, Hallvard (2024) A Stoic Perspective on Worth in Nature (Academic lecture)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Kan lovbryterens vanskelige livssituasjon rettferdiggjøre lavere straff? (Academic article)
- Jacobsen, Jørn ; Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Grunnloven § 98 om likhet for loven (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Takknemlighetens filosofi (Popular scientific lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Moral complaints (Academic lecture)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024) Luce Irigaray (Popular scientific article)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024) Hvorfor lese Platon i dag? (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Professor skeptisk til takknemlighet som selvhjelp (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Frykter dagens barn vil vokse opp til å bli utakknemlige mennesker (Interview)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Livmor til leige? Om surrogati (Programme participation)
- Pichler, Alois; Sunday Grève, Sebastian (2024) Cognitivism about religious belief in later Wittgenstein (Academic article)
- Commandeur, Leon (2024) Models and monism (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Hvem og hva styrer dyrevernretten? Innlegg om forventninger til stortingsmeldingen (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Fem grunner til å være takknemlig (Interview)
- Skilleås, Ole Martin (2024) Aesthetic Expertise (Academic lecture)
- Øgaard, Tore Fjetland (2024) Simplified Semantics for Further Relevant Logics II: Propositional Constants (Academic article)
- Øgaard, Tore Fjetland (2024) Simplified semantics for further relevant logics I: unreduced semantics for E and Π′ (Academic article)
- Øgaard, Tore Fjetland (2024) Entailment or implication? (Academic lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Takknemlighetens filosofi (Lecture)
- James, Daniel; Knappik, Franz Ulrich (2024) Introduction to Part 2 of the Themed Issue, ‘Racism and Colonialism in Hegel’s Philosophy’: Common Objections and Questions for Future Research (Editorial)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Killing and Eating Animals (Lecture)
- Albertsen, Andreas; Tyssedal, Jens Jørund (2024) Socialism (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Klimavennlige begravelser (Popular scientific lecture)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Forbrytelse, straff, soning og tilgivelse (Lecture)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Skal filosofien redde verden, igjen? Om det nye eksistensielle alvoret (Popular scientific lecture)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Kant and the Limits of Blame (Academic lecture)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Straff som fortjent: Et negativt krav eller et selvstendig formål for norsk strafferett? (Academic article)
- Vogt, David G. C. (2024) Retributive Justice in the Breivik Case: Exploring the Rationale for Punitive Restraint in Response to the Worst Crimes (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Humanistisk formidling - eksempler fra NOU om genteknologi (Lecture)
- Skilleås, Ole Martin (2024) Aesthetic Expertise: An Exploration and Defense (Academic monograph)
- Skiba, Lukas (2024) Higher-order being and time (Academic article)
- Huvenes, Torfinn Thomesen (2024) The exactness of communication (Academic article)
- Børdahl, Amund Ove; Hansteen, Hans Marius; Rønning, Geir O.; Åslund, Arnfinn (2024) Redaksjonelt (i temanummer om Georg Johannesen) (Editorial)
- Hansen, Mette Kristine (2024) Perceiving affordances and the problem of visually indiscernible kinds (Academic article)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) The badness of death for animals (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Animal ethics (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Norsk lakseoppdrett er etisk uforsvarlig (Feature article)
- Rasinski, Lotar; Biletzki, Anat; Koczanowicz, Leszek; Pichler, Alois; Wallgren, Thomas (2024) Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics: Language, Dialogue and Political Forms of Life (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Gamlund, Espen; Barra, Mathias; Brautaset, Trygve (2024) Surrogati bør ikke straffes (Reader opinion piece)
- Gamlund, Espen; Barra, Mathias (2024) Uenigheter om surrogati (Reader opinion piece)
- Gamlund, Espen; Barra, Mathias (2024) Surrogati er ikke menneskehandel (Reader opinion piece)
- Gamlund, Espen; Barra, Mathias (2024) Surrogati bør bli tillatt i Norge (Feature article)
- Pichler, Alois (2024) Glaube und Aberglaube nach Wittgenstein: Zu nonkognitiven Deutungen der Grammatik des religiösen Glaubens (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Gangopadhyay, Nivedita; Pichler, Alois (2024) Embodiment and agency in a digital world (Academic article)
- Matsui, Kenji; Israsena, Nipan; Kaewkungwal, Jaranit; Adams, Pornpimon; Wendler, David; Lie, Reidar Krummradt (2024) Review Mechanisms for Advanced Medical Therapies in Japan and Thailand: A Proposal for the Use of Expert Clinical Benefit Assessments at Designated Institutions (Academic article)
- Sørheim, Preben; Solberg, Carl Tollef; Gamlund, Espen; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (2024) Valuing the Length of Lives in Public Health and Beyond (Doctoral dissertation)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Hvorfor og hvordan formidle? (Lecture)
- Gamlund, Espen (2024) Fiskens moralske status og konsekvenser for fiskeoppdrett (Lecture)
- Martin, Benjamin Joseph Lewis; Hjortland, Ole Thomassen (2024) Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic (Part I): From Naturalism to Anti-Exceptionalism (Academic article)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Striden om eittspråkslina og folkemålslina i 1980-åra (Popular scientific chapter/article)
- Målungdom, Norsk (2024) Ung målstrid. Norsk Målungdom 60 år (Non-fiction book)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Innledende essay (Introduction)
- Næss, Arne (2024) Økologi, samfunn og livsstil (Non-fiction book)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Innledende essay (Introduction)
- Russell, Bertrand (2024) Kunsten å bli lykkelig (Popular scientific book)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) A Chronotopic Reading of Diaries (Academic lecture)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Ei kronotopisk lesing av Olav Hauge: Dagbok 1924–1994 (Popular scientific article)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) På sporet av ein romersk eplebonde på Vestlandet (Interview)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Gravde gull ut av gråstein (Interview)
- Hide, Øystein Edvardsen (2024) Hvordan kan dagbøkene til Olav H. Hauge tolkes og vurderes i forhold til ulike aspekt av nynorsk skriftkultur? (Academic lecture)
- Baumgartner, Michael Clemens; Falk, Christoph (2024) Quantifying the quality of configurational causal models (Academic article)
- Pichler, Alois (2024) Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann (Encyclopedia article)