- Ommundsen, Åslaug; Conti, Aidan Keally; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen; Holst, Bodil (2025) How many medieval and early modern manuscripts were copied by female scribes? A bibliometric analysis based on colophons (Academic article)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate; Rettberg, Jill Walker; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Sjøvoll, Kazima (2025) Er gaming virkelighetsflukt? (Popular scientific lecture)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Rettberg, Jill Walker; Sjøvoll, Kazmina (2025) Er gaming virkelighetsflukt? (Popular scientific lecture)
- Pyke, Tegan (2025) Sims Family Sagas: Emergent Narrative Approaches to the 'Legacy Challenge' by Sims 2 Players (Academic lecture)
- Kiilerich, Bente (2025) Romerske buster - skabt i Italien eller "Made in China" (Academic article)
- Kiilerich, Bente (2025) Antiquity in Fashion: Dolce & Gabbana (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2025) Creativity is a trading zone: Charting the everyday co-construction of algorithmic agency (Academic lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele (2025) On entitification: P-zombies, shoggoths, stochastic parrots and Waluigis (Academic lecture)
- Sjo, Klara; Mari, Nygård (2025) Språksnakk: Kompromiss på eget premiss (Programme participation)
- Sarkar, Debarun; Arora, Cheshta; de Seta, Gabriele (2025) data/work-labour/algos/folklore (Lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) Qualitiative methods for analysing generative AI: Experiences with machine vision and AI storytelling (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) The politics of AI: What is responsible research on AI in today’s political situation? (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) Trump og forskningskutt (Interview)
- Kimmelman, Vadim; Khristoforova, Evgeniia (2025) Classifier handshape choice in Russian Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands (Academic article)
- Kopania, Kamil; Laugerud, Henning; Sarnecka, Zuzanna (2025) The Living Images in the Middle Ages and Beyond. Theoretical and Historical Approaches (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2025) Haunted Algorithms: Techno-Necromancy and Ghosts in the Machine (Academic lecture)
- Harder, Lina Ruth (2025) AI Meets History (Lecture)
- Molde, Else Berit; Wunderlich, Ilka; Saarik, Katrin (2025) Andrespråkslæring og språklige valg i norskundervisningen - i teori og praksis (Academic lecture)
- Hamm, Christine (2025) Frå proletariat til prekariat? Om den utfordrande klassereisa i Lars Ove Seljestads Blind (2005) og Eitranes (2022) (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Indridason, Thorsteinn Gudmundur (2025) Diminutiver i islandsk: kategorisering og uttrykksmåter (Academic lecture)
- Grønn, Atle; Maurseth, Anne Beate; Krefting, Ellen Marie (2025) Sjakk og litteratur (Lecture)
- Indridason, Thorsteinn Gudmundur (2025) Smækkunarviðskeyti og smækkunarliðir í íslensku (Academic lecture)
- Anderson, Ragnhild Lie (2025) Ikkje gjer nynorsk til eit framandspråk (Popular scientific article)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) Fra demokrati til algoritmokrati (Popular scientific article)
- Wigers, Hermann; Rettberg, Jill Walker (2025) GPT_stories: Scripts to generate and analyse stories for 252 nationalities using gpt-4o-mini (Software)
- Laugerud, Henning; Kopania, Kamil; Sarnecka, Zuzanna (2025) Introduction (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Laugerud, Henning; Kopania, Kamil; Sarnecka, Zuzanna (2025) The Living Image in the Middle Ages and Beyond Theoretical and Historical Approaches (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Jenstad, Tor Erik (2025) Etymologi og folkeetymologi (Teamsmøte for tilsette ved Nordmørsmusea. Same som kåseriet på årsmøte i Sunndal Museumslag 12.2.25) (Popular scientific lecture)
- Birkeli, Helene Engnes (2025) Camille Pissarro at the Crossroad of the Plantation (Chapter)
- Sarkar, Debarun (2025) On Smart City, New Town and the South (Academic lecture)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate (2025) Spillegal! Verdibørsen (Interview)
- Jenstad, Tor Erik (2025) Etymologi og folkeetymologi (kåseri) (Popular scientific lecture)
- Smith, Samantha Leanne (2025) Tracing the Image. The absence / presence of the Holy Shroud in sixteenth-century Bologna. (Doctoral dissertation)
- Kubota, Maki; Goto, Yuka; Kurokawa, Satsuki; Matsuoka, Yuko; Otani, Masashi; Rothman, Jason (2025) Different variables hold varying significance from childhood to adolescence (Academic article)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2025) AIwriting: Creative Practice as a Critical Method for Investigating Large Language Models (Academic lecture)
- Sjo, Klara; Fabregas, Antonio; Andenæs, Ellen (2025) Språksnakk: Morsmål og fedreland - sexisme (Programme participation)
- Sjo, Klara; Budal, Ingvil Brugger; Paulsen, Mikkel Ekeland (2025) Språksnakk: Ordbokfest (Programme participation)
- Sjo, Klara (2025) Dagsnytt 18: Nye norske ord (Programme participation)
- Sjo, Klara (2025) Hva har biler og forvirring til felles? Om ordklasser og inndeling av ord (Popular scientific article)
- Jenstad, Tor Erik (2025) Litt om stadnamn i Møre og Romsdal (Popular scientific lecture)
- Johnston, David Jhave (2025) FOR YOU: The Comfortable Alienation of AI (Museum exhibition)
- Tveit, Miriam Jensen; Mundal, Else; Vogt, Helle; Korpiola, Mia (2025) Gendered Punishments in Medieval Nordic Law, ca. 1100–1300 (Academic monograph)
- Anderson, Ragnhild Lie; Molde, Ann-Krsitin; Frydenlund, Stein Wolff (2025) Språkprat til skolen - Grammatikk, takk - Utforskande grammatikk-undervisning (Popular scientific lecture)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate (2025) Skumma kultur (Interview)
- Maurseth, Anne Beate (2025) Full pott. Lottodrøm og samfunnskritikk. Hector Chaussiers Le Gros lot.. (Lecture)
- Annesdatter-Madsen, Katrine; Hauschildt, Mille Breyen; Roswall, Amanda Grimsbo; Nexø, Tue Andersen (2025) Redaktionelt forord (Foreword)
- Annesdatter-Madsen, Katrine; Hauschildt, Mille Breyen; Roswall, Amanda Grimsbo; Nexø, Tue Andersen (2025) Passage 92: Feministiske genlæsninger af 1970'erne (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Halland, Ingrid (2025) The Borderland of Raw Materials (Popular scientific article)
- de Seta, Gabriele; Galip, Idil; Chateau, Lucie; Yalcinkaya, Günseli (2025) Groundhog Day: Memes Are New (Academic article)
- Sarkar, Debarun (2025) Of Smart City and New Town (Academic lecture)
- Sarkar, Debarun (2025) ‘A distant echo attracts me, fragrance of life beyond’: growing up a metalhead in India (Academic article)
- Riksem, Brita Ramsevik; Eide, Kristin Melum; Husby, Olaf Anders (2025) Språksnakk: Til lands, vanns og til lufts? (Programme participation)
- Kiilerich, Bente (2025) Creative combination and recombination in Roman and Pseudo-Roman portraits (Academic article)
- Kiilerich, Bente (2025) Pleasing horror: empathic response to suffering and pain in antique sculpture (Academic article)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2025) Shed Not a Tear for Literature in the Age of AI (Short communication)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Schloon, Jutta Saima (2025) Zwischen Meister und Mainstream: Mediävalismus und Germanenrezeption bei Friedrich Wolters (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Rettberg, Jill Walker (2024) Repeating Ourselves with Generative AI (Academic article)
- Pyke, Tegan (2024) The Radically Confused Conception(s) of Digital Literature (Academic lecture)
- Nelson, Jason; Krauth, Alinta Kiri (2024) ‘Entirely Every Forever’. Queen’s Wharf Brisbane public
Augmented Reality media artwork and digital narrative (Visual Arts)
- Nelson, Jason (2024) Mutacosm: A Digital Poem about AI’s Monstrous Mutation Powers (Academic article)
- Birkeli, Helene Engnes (2024) A Circumpolar Landscape: Art and Environment in Scandinavia and North America 1890-1930 by Isabelle Gapp. Lund Humphries, London, 2024, 208 pp. (Book review)
- Birkeli, Helene Engnes (2024) Touching Difference: Race and Portraiture in Danish Colonial Space (Chapter)
- Leslie-Jacobsen, Helen Frances; Cowan, Saskia Jamie (2024) Handlist of Faroese Ballads (Database)
- Jørgensen, Kristine; Rusch, Doris Carmen; Ensslin, Astrid; Fassone, Riccardo (2024) Transformative Games Across Platforms (Editorial)
- Bux, Allah; Vandenitte, Sébastien; Jantunen, Tommi; Kimmelman, Vadim (2024) Evaluation of Head Pose Estimation Algorithms for Sign Language Analysis (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Montfort, Nicholas; Bertram, Lillian-Yvonne (2024) Output: An Anthology of Computer-Generated Text, 1953–2023 (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Smith, Samantha Leanne (2024) Jul gjennom kunstnernes øyne: en forelesning om utvikling av jule tradisjoner i visuell kultur. (Popular scientific lecture)
- Sjo, Klara (2024) Språkprat: Ordbøkene.no - en bruksanvisning (Popular scientific article)
- Conti, Aidan Keally (2024) In Search of a Harrowing Tale: Manuscripts of the Latin Translation of De Christi passione (Academic article)
- Parelius, Fredrik (2024) Svaner i Melkeveien – Om Wergelands «Napoleon», Lord Byron og stjernetegnet "Svanen" (Academic lecture)
- Parelius, Fredrik; Nødtvedt, Erlend O. (2024) Haugesamtalen 2024 (Popular scientific lecture)
- Parelius, Fredrik (2024) Med Frithiof og Ingeborg i hagen – Nytt blikk på Olav H. Hauges «Til eit Astrup-bilete» (1961) (Academic lecture)
- Parelius, Fredrik (2024) «I sprangets krampe». Tvisynt futurisme i Jord og jern (1933 (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Parelius, Fredrik (2024) Når berget «opnar seg» På innsida av berget i Olav H. Hauges dikting (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Arntzen, Knut Ove (2024) Anthropogarde of Stage, Cult, and the Popular. Co-Ritus, Labyrinths, Actions (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Heide, Eldar; Stensaker, Nina (2024) Episode 75. Skirnesmål: mytologisk kjærleiksdrama. Samtale med norrønfilolog Nina Stensaker (Programme management)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Small forms within larger forms of digital narrative (Academic lecture)
- Rettberg, Scott Robert (2024) Cyborg Authorship: Writing with AI (Academic lecture)
- Kinn, Kari (2024) Nordiske arvespråk i Nord- og Latin-Amerika (Lecture)
- Kinn, Kari; Putnam, Michael T. (2024) Free relative clauses in North American Norwegian (Academic lecture)
- Kinn, Kari (2024) Norsk som arvespråk i Latin-Amerika (Academic lecture)
- FLÅTTER, MARIT; Johnslien, Marte; Halland, Ingrid (2024) Estetisk bearbeiding av landskap (Interview Journal)
- Johnslien, Marte; Halland, Ingrid (2024) Titanium Dioxide: An Arts-Based Archeology of an Unsettling Pigment (Lecture)
- Utne, Ivar (2024) Store norske leksikon sine artiklar om førenamn (Book review)
- Kvaal, Vera; Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2024) Norsk hvitfarge preger hele verden (Popular scientific article)
- Buvik, Per (2024) Deux articles de Jules Lemaître sur Huysmans, présentés et annotés par Per Buvik (Academic article)
- Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Lyse, Gunn Inger; Haugereid, Petter; Thunes, Martha (2024) The syntax of usage examples in a Norwegian standard dictionary (Academic lecture)
- Mossin, Tuva (2024) Bergen: Skyer i horisonten (Chapter)
- Mundal, Else (2024) Den rettslege stillinga til kvinner som er “ein fyrir sér” etter norske mellomalderlover (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Anderson, Ragnhild Lie (2024) Tidleg meistring - eit døme på funksjonell nynorskskriving på fritida (Academic article)
- Anderson, Ragnhild Lie (2024) Bli betre i nynorsk (Lecture)
- de Seta, Gabriele; Nordahl, Magnhild Øen (2024) Replicator report (Chapter)
- Sandøy, Helge (2024) Norsk på dansk - Om namnelistene frå 1743 frå Nord-Vestlandet (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Tjønneland, Eivind (2024) Etterord (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Tjønneland, Eivind; Reckwitz, Andreas (2024) Slutten på illusjonene : Politikk, økonomi og kultur i det senmoderne (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Arntzen, Knut Ove (2024) 15. oktober, 2024, ettersamtale med skuespilleren og musikeren Magne Håvard Brekke, etter konsert med Ljodahått, under tittelen "Oslo-Berlin-Paris-Bergen", om Brekkes karriere som skuespiller i Øst-Berlin på 1980- og 1990-tallet, Det Vestnorske Teateret, i Skifte, Kulturbaren i 3. høgda. (Introduction, musical or theatrical programme)
- Magin, Elisabeth Maria (2024) LaTeχ Light – Introduction to Lyχ (Lecture)
- Magin, Elisabeth Maria (2024) Preserved in Stone But Lost on Screen (Academic lecture)